Scentific Program


Monday, May 23, 2022

08:00am – 08:45am Registration & Coffee
08:45am – 09:00am Opening and Welcome Note

09:00am – 10:00am Keynote Lecture I "(In-)efficient Climate Policy, Repercussions through the Ukraine War, and Prospects to the Future" - Professor Till Requate, Kiel University, Department of Economics & Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (EFI) for the German Government, Germany

10:30am – 12:00pm: Parallel Sessions A

Session A1: Climate Change and Policy I
Session A2: Energy Prices: Modeling and Forecasting
Session A3: Carbon Finance I
Session A4: Commodity Finance
Session A5: Renewable and Low Carbon Technology Policy

12:00pm – 01:30pm: Lunch Break

01:30pm – 03:00pm: Parallel Sessions B

Session B1: Energy Risks: Assessment and Modeling
Session B2: Climate Finance I
Session B3: Energy and Environment
Session B4: Oil Price Forecasting

03:30pm – 05:00pm: Parallel Sessions C

Session C1: Environmental Finance and Policy
Session C2: Climate Finance II
Session C3: Resources, Risk, Welfare, and Social Preferences
Session C4: Energy Derivatives: Pricing and Hedging

05:15pm – 06:15pm: Keynote Lecture II (Virtual) "The Impact of Rising Oil Prices on U.S. Inflation and Inflation Expectations in 2022 and 2023" - Professor Lutz Kilian, Senior Economic Policy Adviser, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, United States


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

08:00am – 08:45am: Registration & Coffee
08:45am – 09:00am: Opening and Welcome Note

09:00am – 10:00am: Keynote Lecture III "Climate Economics: Challenges and Perspectives" - Professor Roger Guesnerie, Emeritus Professor of Economic Theory and Social Organization of the Collège de France & Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Paris School of Economics

10:00am – 10:30am: Coffee Break

10:30am – 12:00am: Parallel Sessions D

Session D1: Climate Change and Policy II
Session D2: Carbon Finance II
Session D3: Climate Finance III
Session D4: Energy Issues in Emerging Markets
Session D5: Energy Policies for Low Carbon Transportation

01:30pm – 03:00pm: Parallel Sessions E

Session E1: Electricity Markets Analysis
Session E2: Carbon Finance III
Session E3: Climate Finance IV
Session E4: Climate Change and Policy III

03:00pm – 03:15pm: Coffee Break

03:15pm – 04:15pm: Keynote Lecture IV (Virtual) "On Collective Choice, Behavioral Economics, and AI for Overcoming Obstacles to Coordination and Financing of Climate Change Initiatives" - Professor Louis Anthony (Tony) Cox, President, Cox Associates, LLC & Editor-in-Chief of Risk Analysis: An International Journal

04:30pm – 06:00pm: Parallel Sessions F

Session F1: Oil Shocks and Market Linkages
Session F2: Climate Change and Policy IV
Session F3: Climate Finance V
Session F4: Oil, Stock, and the Macroeconomy

06:00pm – 06:00pm: Closing


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