The 8th International Symposium on Environment and Energy Finance Issues (ISEFI-2022), jointly organized by the IPAG Center for Energy Economics and Environment (IPAG Business School), the Climate Economics Chair (Paris Dauphine University - PSL), and the Joint International Research Unit SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE - UMI SOURCE (University of Paris-Saclay), will take place both IN-PERSON & VIRTUAL on 23-24 May 2022 in Paris, France. It aims to provide academics, policymakers, and practitioners with a valuable forum for discussion and critical analysis of the major issues and challenges that interrelate energy, environment, macroeconomics, and financial markets.

The conference organizers would like to invite the submission of both theoretical and empirical papers (in PDF files) relating to all aspects of the environment, energy markets, and their interactions with financial markets. We welcome submissions in the following, but not limited to, topics

  • Climate negotiations and scenarios for a +2° world
  • Corporate finance analysis for energy companies
  • Econometrics of energy markets
  • Energy and climate models
  • Energy and environment
  • Energy derivatives: pricing and hedging
  • Energy and financial market interactions
  • Energy issues in developing and emerging markets
  • Energy policies for low carbon transportation
  • Energy prices: modeling and forecasting
  • Energy risks: assessment and modeling
  • Energy transition
  • Electricity networks, smart grids, electricity demand
  • Financial and economic analysis of energy markets
  • Financial regulation of energy and environmental markets
  • Finance and investment in renewable energy
  • Intergenerational choices under global environmental change
  • Hydroelectricity and water management
  • Natural resources, risk, welfare, and social preferences
  • Oil and shale gas
  • Poverty and environmental impacts of electricity price reforms
  • Renewable and low carbon technologies policy
  • Speculation and energy prices
  • State regulation and energy governance

The deadline for submission of full papers is 31 March 2022.


Louis Anthony (Tony) Cox
President, Cox Associates, LLC & Editor-in-Chief of Risk Analysis: An International Journal
Roger Guesnerie
Emeritus Professor of Economic Theory and Social Organization of the Collège de France & Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Paris School of Economics
Lutz Kilian
Senior Economic Policy Adviser, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, United States
Till Requate
Chair of Innovation, Competition Policy and New Institutional Economics, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany






Anna Creti, University of Paris Dauphine

Stéphane GoutteUniversity of Paris-Saclay

Duc Khuong Nguyen, IPAG Business School & VNU International School

Ingmar SchumacherIPAG Business School

Eric Strobl, University of Bern



March 31, 2022: Submission deadline

April 15, 2022: Notification of acceptance/rejection

May 1, 2022: Registration deadline 

May 23-24, 2022: Symposium event


Special Issue of Resource Policy (IF: 5.634, ranking it 19 out of 125 in Environmental Studies) on Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning Applications in Natural Resources Management under the Guest-Editorship of Prof. Qiang Ji, Prof. Duc Khuong Nguyen, and Prof. Dayong Zhang. See Call for papers for more details.

Resource policy

Special Issue of International Review of Economics & Finance (IF: 2.522, ranking it 50 out of 108 in Business, Finance) on Climate Change, Transition Risks, and Commodities under the Guest-Editorship of Prof. Duc Khuong Nguyen and Dr. Thomas Walther. See Call for papers for more details.


In consultation with the conference organizers and the Editor-in-Chief of Energy Journal (IF: 2.414), authors of the best conference papers will be invited to submit their papers to a regular issue of the Journal.


In consultation with the conference organizers and the Editor-in-Chief of Management of Environmental Quality, authors of best conference papers will be invited to submit their papers to a regular issue of the Journal.


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